September 2024


Question Of The Month

Why, according to Legitimate Leadership, should big organisations strive to dismantle their internal bureaucracies?

Sustainable Leadership – In A Nutshell

What is the most important issue and opportunity/challenge facing leaders today? Whether we are in a startup, a corporation, a community, a non-profit, or in government: what will it take to change leaders?

The Mindset Of Continuous Improvement

A CEO of a company in Germany coined the phrase, ‘The world belongs to the happily discontented.” He did not mean that you should continuously beat yourself up for not winning or not meeting targets.

For more information regarding the above, please e-mail

Question Of The Month 

By Wendy Lambourne, Director, Legitimate Leadership.

Question: Why, according to Legitimate Leadership, should big organisations strive to dismantle their internal bureaucracies?

Answer: Bureaucracy has been described as ‘a tax on human accomplishment’. A major problem facing big organisations today is that they have a management model ‘that perpetuates a caste system of thinkers (managers) and doers (everyone else), that regards human beings as mere ‘resources’, that values conformance above all else, that squeezes people into slot–shaped roles irrespective of their innate capabilities, that swallows up human initiative in the quicksand of bureaucratic busy–work, and that regards freedom as a dangerous threat to alignment and discipline’ (Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, in their article What We Learned About Bureaucracy From 7,000 HBR Readers). Legitimate Leadership fully endorses this perspective. We also support Hamel and Zanini in believing that the first step is to establish an empowerment (the opposite to bureaucracy) scoreboard and to hold managers (especially senior managers) accountable against it. We support the final statement in their article: ‘If, as they claim, leaders are willing to share power, and if, as our respondents believe, employees are capable of exercising it wisely, then there’s no excuse for not getting on with the hard but eminently worthwhile work of dismantling bureaucracy.’

To submit your question,  email 

Video: Sustainable Leadership – In A Nutshell

Our summary of this recent video by Wendy Lambourne, Director, Legitimate Leadership.

Leaders, the planet needs you to act with care and courage.

What is the most important issue and opportunity/challenge facing leaders today? Whether we are in a startup, a corporation, a community, a non-profit, or in government: what will it take to change leaders?

Many years ago I worked in an explosives factory. After we killed 14 people in two explosions we came to a fairly obvious conclusion: that if you have a safety problem you have a people problem because most accidents are caused by people.

And if you have a people problem you have a leadership problem. In other words, we were the problem!

So we decided we needed to change. We embraced a framework which at the time didn’t have the name Legitimate Leadership.


Report: The Mindset Of Continuous Improvement

Our report on Mike Tomlin, coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of USA, speaking during a team meeting.

Comment on this report by Wendy Lambourne of Legitimate Leadership: A CEO of a company in Germany coined the phrase, ‘The world belongs to the happily discontented.” He did not mean that you should continuously beat yourself up for not winning or not meeting targets. He meant, ‘Do not accept the status quo; never say it’s good enough.’ Rather, always strive to be a little better than before. The goal is not to be better than them but to be better than you were before. Individuals and businesses prosper and thrive when they continuously raise the bar – when they raise the standards, not the targets.

OUR REPORT: In the growth and development of this team, I’m talking to you about norms, expectations and mindsets – mindsets that you should have.

It’s always good to acknowledge reasonable expectations.

I expect you to get better in all areas – whether it’s the knowledge of what you do, the maintenance and the preparation of your body, or the understanding of the end of the game, etc, etc.

You need to continually be a guy on the rise. That is a reasonable expectation.

What do I mean by that?

I mean the things that made you viable in the past aren’t going to be the things that make you viable moving forward.